Now, I do realize that I have been fortunate and have had a multitude of opportunities placed in my path through life so far. I also know I am the type of person who wants to do or try everything. My goal in life is that, when I am laying on my deathbed, I don't want to have any regrets - I don't want to waste my dying breath saying, "If really with I had........" - I want to be able to say, "OK...I've done it all...I can go peacefully now."
With that in mind, when an opportunity arises, I jump at it. I had a bucket list before bucket lists became cliche (I called it "things to do before I do list" before the movie put the term "bucket list" on everyone's lips). I the most interesting man in the world? I seriously doubt it. I will admit that I have had an interesting life and will continue to live my life this way until I am no longer physically able. But there are a great multitude of people in the world much more deserving of that title than I am. I'll stick with the "most interesting man my friends know" and be completely happy with that.
So, what makes my life so interesting to my friends? I think part of my problem is that I am easily bored - I always have to be doing SOMETHING. I also don't sleep - or not much. Three or four hours a night is sufficient for me - in fact, getting more than that will actually cause me to wake up feeling hung over.
A few quick facts about me so you'll know a bit about where I'm coming from in my future posts:
I grew up in a military family - we moved every few years, allowing me to experience a lot of the world and various people and cultures - this is probably where I caught the travel bug and why I love to travel so much. By the time I graduated from high school, I had lived in:
- Amarillo , Texas
- Irving, Texis (while my father was in Viet Nam )
- Clovis, New Mexico
- Felixstowe, England
- Ipswich, England
- Saxmundham, England
- Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
- Satellite Beach, Florida
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